Our clients take pride in their homes. Regardless of whether you are currently thinking of buying or selling, here are some great tips, from Ashley and Victoria of Scituate's Celui Designs, to consider when planning our your next project or how you're going to design your home's spaces. Enjoy the following Q&A!

What tips would you advise if someone is starting on a new project? (Other than hiring Celui Design immediately!)


Take risks! Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box. Your house’s design is an indication of your personality, likes, and interests! A well-designed room tells a beautiful story — the mix of colors, textures and materials work together to create balance. 

Scale is essential when designing! The elements in a room need to work together — not against each other. Bigger pieces should be balanced with smaller details to create harmony. A small room can easily feel overwhelming with too many large scale pieces. 


Any cost saving tips or secrets you could share? What's the best way to save time and money?


It’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint does to a space, this may not save time but will save money when doing it yourself! We love lacquer walls and a gloss finish on the trim, this automatically makes the room feel more luxe.


Antique shops, second hand consignment stores ( furniture consignment gallery) and estate sales are great places to find high quality and affordable pieces. Mixing cool pieces from the past with modern decor creates an amazing story!


What's the newest design trend you're keeping an eye on?


Monochromatic rooms have been done in the past but recently they have been popping up more and more! LOVE this “trend” when it’s done right. Is gray everything a trend? We love a fresh base but the lack of color in a space is rather uninspiring. 


What are some key decor elements that could enhance a room? 


A room should have movement and flow, you could design a whole space around a sculptural piece of furniture. Light fixtures have the ability to bring a room to life, they are truly works of art. The smaller details; like books, art and pillows/throws is an easy way to bring color and conversation to a space. 


A common question is: Where should I invest and where can I find budget pieces?


Investing in window treatments and quality rug/carpet is something we recommend to our clients. Both elements of design have the ability to transform the overall quality and feel in a room. Art is an area where you can save, it’s amazing what matting and framing can do. For example, framing your child’s artwork is a creative way to brighten up a layette. 


Please reach out to us to share your newly designed spaces or tip and tricks you've learned along the way!



Work With CK

CK offers his global expertise in design, creative thinking and progressive marketing strategies and brings a fresh approach to the real estate business. His hard work ethic and competitive and energetic personality naturally sync with clients in the luxury real estate market.